1:58 PM - Sweetnight
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I couldnt sleep until about 2 or 3am, due to the reason that fcuking Trinh kept pulling my blanket and it was freezing cold ):
I couldnt sleep until about 2 or 3am, due to the reason that fcuking Trinh kept pulling my blanket and it was freezing cold ):
Ha ! i was in the middle of my sister and Jebbie, it was like having two speakers beside my ears, far !
Oh yeah, they snored beautiful and they both have this habit of sticking their arse out when they sleep and so i was cramped in the middle.
Trinh - she was the second quietest but there were alot of orgasm noices coming from her so i was just like ' ermm okay STFU ' She also kept on grinding her teeth together and made that squeeky noice.
So at one stage where my eyes were half closed right, Jebbie turned 180 degress and stomped her foot onto my stomach fml. FML. I nearly shat my pants. That's right.. that's how hard she did it and of course she didn't realise.
Sleeping with Trinh Jebbie and my little sister was a never-forget time. But still i love those two bitches verdy much.
Nothing will happen today since i'm staying home and gaming.